Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grapefruit granita

Organic grapefruit straight from the tree
Summer is just around the corner, I took my pasty white legs and sad looking chipped toenails out for a walk in the weekend, I got rid of my black winter uniforms and put the brights to the front of the wardrobe. I ignored the rain, that changed the venue for my son’s 2nd birthday party, I blanked out the downpour that prevented me going for my usual lunchtime walk. I decided it was summer in my little world and I was going to carry around my big oversized sun above my head and I was going to make Grapefruit Granita.

So, if like me, your desperate for summer right now, try this icy dessert or go Italian and have it with brioche for a traditional breakfast.
Other flavours to try: lemon or lime juice, mandarin oranges, jasmine, coffee, almonds, mint, strawberries, berries, chocolate, watermelon, pomegranate, mango. I even found a recipe for ginger and fennel.

I also put some of the liquid into ice cube trays for summer cocktails
Grapefruit Granita
What you need
2 1/2 cups grapefruit juice
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup white sugar
grapefruit zest for garnish

How to make
Combine juice, water and sugar in a bowl and mix until the sugar has dissolved. Place bowl in freezer, cover with cling film and freeze until hard. (2-3 hours) Use a fork to scrape and break up the frozen ice to turn into a granita. Serve in chilled glasses or bowls. Granish with grated grapefruit zest.


  1. Totally gorgeous. You're right those grapefruit are a spectacular colour.

    I'd love you to share this with this month's Sweet New Zealand. Entries close tomorrow - full details here

    Sue :-)

  2. Hi Vanessa & Ingrid

    Oh what a shame you missed the deadline. Unfortunately I can't edit the linky tool on the Sweet NZ page to open up the deadline, but if you would like to be included I can still put you into my round-up post which I will be publishing tomorrow. If you'd like to be included just edit your post appropriately & email me back letting me know.

    If you can't be bothered I understand completely and look forward to seeing your entry next month. Sweet NZ next month will be hosted by Mairi at Toast.

    Are you going to NZFBA? - would be lovely to meet you.

