New World Magazine
Check out Vanessa's interview for Lucy Corry's blog
Kitchen Maid
What's for dinner tonight?
You have me on this one. I don't know what Ingrid is having but it's got to be healthier and more exciting than dinner at our house tonight. It’s oven chips (if you try hard you can imagine they are hand-cut and fried in goose fat!) and pork sausages with a good squirt of tomato sauce and mustard. There is a glass of chardonnay in my hand too.
Real Magazine July/ August 2012
Garden Diary 2012
NZ Gardener Magazine
The Insider's Guide to New Zealand
NZ Life & Leisure
A Collectors Annual 2012
Escape Section, Sunday Star Times Newspaper
2 October 2011
Frankie Magazine 20 September 2011
Design Love Fest Blog 8 August 2011