Monday, July 19, 2010

kids n food

My chubby boy Rhys hanging out on our photo shoot for handcut chips and aioli

When Vanessa and I began foodopera, my son, Rhys was only three months old, and so long as we didn't plan a photoshoot anytime between 4p.m and 7p.m (his witching/ warlock hour) he was quite happy to play along with the fun. He didn't understand food then, and he didn't want a piece of the action, he was perfectly happy just observing us.

But 7 months on, its a different story - he's growing into quite an eater - he seems to have a well rounded palate - pureed and bland are definately out, and roast pork and apple, and meatballs are in. We also found evidence of the cat's biscuits in his mouth as well as coffee granules mixed with rice that had been put in the rubbish bin from the night before. I don't quite know what to say, except that it makes me laugh and cry at the same time.

I have been trying out different recipes on Rhys, ones that I can freeze and have on hand at a minutes notice. My boy isn't one for patience! so I thought I would share a quick and easy recipe I made for him the other day. Ingrid

Creamy corn fritters (9 months and up)
1 cup self-raising flour
2 eggs
1 can of creamed corn (no added sugar - make sure you check the can)
3 tbsp plain yoghurt
bunch of chopped coriander

Whisk eggs in bowl, add flour and yoghurt and mix to form a batter. Fold in corn and coriander.
Heat vegetable oil in a pan on a medium heat, and spoon a heaped tbsp of mixture into pan, and fry until bubbles appear, flip and cook until other side is golden.

Easy to freeze, but defrost naturally - don't microwave, they go really hard and chewy. If you want to heat, do so in oven. My son shovels food in his mouth, so I break these up into bite size portions, basically to slow him down.

Ideas for brunch: If you want to make these for yourself, just add salt and pepper to the batter. These are a great idea for brunch with an avocado salsa, or topped with crispy bacon and sour cream.

I'm trying out an avocado salsa recipe so will post as soon as I get it right! Ingrid

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