Thursday, July 22, 2010

Photoshoot #2

Sistercom: Looks like rigamortis has set in! nice meringue though . . . Ingrid

Although I quite like this, it wasn't wasn't what I was after! Shooting landscape but thinking portrait for the front of a card can be challenging!

The studio (back porch) wasn't behaving its self this particular day and frequently we were challenged by bright and harsh light! We also had stuff everywhere - props, food, sarongs, saris, sheets, baby/toddler stuff - you name it we had it! This is meant to be FUN but somehow our precious Saturday time slot was bring us down...

Hmmmm we need a studio!

We need organisation!

We need control!

Plan B - we are going to turn a spare back room into a studio and store all our beautiful props aesthetically around the place and invest in some lighting. Well that was the plan a week or so ago! I have been reading on the net and food photographers in cyberspace promote natural lighting where possible.... food for thought.

My weekend challenge is to get some amazing shots of something delicious...

Vanessa X

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not! ~Author Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Yeah. them hands do like a bit past sell by, as per setting up in back room, you will need a fair bit of space girls! Love the kids n foods pics. Dave x
