Saturday, April 7, 2012

Balsamic Mushrooms

Balsamic Mushrooms - Delicious
Every so often Ingrid and I (OK often) head out sans kids to a cafe for most of the morning. Dizzengoff on Ponsonby Road has been a regular favourite for years, in fact I have been frequenting the place for nearly 10 years and that's pretty amazing for cafe culture.
They do strong coffee and the most amazing and addictive mushrooms (LOL). No matter what I order I always get a side of mushrooms. Re-creating this dish was actually pretty easy, I think I nailed it the second time.
Now if there is anyone from Dizzengoff reading this, I know you wont want to part with the recipe but please please please let me know if I am close...

What you need (recipe for one person - double for two)
About 12 button mushrooms per person
1-2 garlic cloves finely chopped
Olive oil for cooking mushrooms
1/3 cup of balsamic vinegar
50mls cream
Salt/pepper to taste

How to make
Add the oil, garlic and mushrooms to a frying pan and saute for a few minutes.
Add half the balsamic vinegar to the pan and turn up the heat so it bubbles and reduces, when its reduced quite a bit, add the rest of the vinegar. Keep it bubbling but don't let it reduce to nothing.
Take it off the heat and add the cream and salt/pepper.
Reduce the heat and cook until the cream is hot - you may want to reduce it a bit more.
Pour over crunchy ciabatta bread or serve as a side dish.

So good you could easily eat two...